

AZSITE: Cross Agency Database Management Collaboration
Track: GIS Organization, Management and Implementation
Author(s): Rick Karl

For more than nine years, federal, state, and private land managing agencies in the state of Arizona have been collaborating to consolidate and standardize more than 40 different databases and establish a secured, centralized cultural resource and resource inventory geographic information system. Today AZSITE is up and running providing standardized data collection, land manager data verification, single point of data uploading, updating and distribution and secured Web dissemination of resource and inventory information. So why are all these agencies in Arizona working together, and how does the design of AZSITE provide cross-agency, cross-region data management?

Rick Karl
Arizona State Museum
University of Arizona
1013 E University
Tucson , AZ 85721-0026
Phone: 520-621-1271
E-mail: karlr@email.arizona.edu