

Integrating Forest G&Y Models with ArcGIS for Ecosystem Management
Track: Environmental Management
Author(s): Lynn Phillips, Frances Railey, John Townson

Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune (MCBCL), a 142,000-acre installation located in coastal North Carolina, has embarked on the development of an enterprise ArcGIS application called the Ecosystem Management Model (EMM). MCBCL needs the ability to evaluate a given set of silvicultural prescriptions as they relate to the flow of forest products revenue and the impact on red-cockaded Woodpecker (RCW) habitat over a planning period.

The objective of the EMM project is to design, develop, and implement an enterprise ArcGIS application by integrating forest Growth & Yield models and RCW habitat models to support ecosystem management decision making. The goal of the EMM system is to preserve and enhance biodiversity while maintaining sustainable forest resources.

This paper will review the design and development of the EMM from initial model research to operational implementation with ArcGIS 9.1 in a Citrix Metaframe environment. Integration design, development approaches, and lessons learned will be reviewed.

Lynn Phillips
Marine Corps Base
PSC Box 20004
Camp Lejeune , NC 28542-0004
Phone: 910-451-8909
Fax: 910-451-8913
E-mail: phillipsml@lejeune.usmc.mil

Frances Railey
Marine Corps Base
PSC Box 20004
Camp Lejeune , NC 20004
Phone: 910-451-8909
E-mail: dbuckley@sanborn.com

John Townson
Marine Corps Base
PSC Box 20004
Camp Lejeune , NC 28542-0004
Phone: 910-451-8909
E-mail: dbuckley@sanborn.com