

Using ArcGIS to Quantify Wildfire Risk in the Southern United States
Track: EMS/Fire
Author(s): Tom Spencer, David Buckley, Rick Jones

The Southern Group of State Foresters have embarked on a wildfire risk assessment for the 13 southern states that will quantify wildfire risk. Fire managers in the South face a complex problem that is compounded by increasing fire intensities due to accumulation of fuels, continued residential growth into wildfire-prone areas, and increasing firefighting costs. The Southern Wildfire Risk Assessment allows each state to prioritize those areas where tactical analyses and community interaction or treatments might be necessary to reduce fuels and risk.

A key component of the assessment is the development of the Southern Fire Risk Assessment System. SFRAS is a custom ArcGIS application that provides state fire professionals with tools to review results, conduct analysis of potential mitigation measures, and evaluate communities at risk.

This paper will review SFRAS design, development, and implementation issues with a focus on lessons learned and achievements. A demonstration will be provided.

Tom Spencer
Texas Forest Service
301 Tarrow
Suite 364
College Station , TX 77840-7896
Phone: 979-458-7331
E-mail: tspencer@tfs.tamu.edu

David Buckley
2000 S. College Avenue
Ft. Collins , CO 80525
Phone: 970-490-5900
Fax: 970-490-2300
E-mail: dbuckley@sanborn.com

Rick Jones
421 SW Sixth Avenue
Suite 850
Portland , OR 97204
Phone: 503-228-8708
Fax: 503-228-8751
E-mail: rjones@sanborn.com