

Abuja Geographic Information Systems as Innovative Technology for Land Administration
Track: Cadastral and Land Records
Author(s): Anthony Adeoye

Manual record-keeping has been in use by land-related departments of the Ministry of the Federal Capital Territory (MFCT) since the inception of the Federal Capital Territory almost 30 years ago. The city and its surroundings have been expanding, and with this rapid expansion, manual record-keeping became inefficient, time consuming and prone to abuses.

The President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, shortly after assuming office, directed for the computerization of all land operations. This gave birth to Abuja Geographic Information Systems (AGIS). AGIS has two components: GIS and land information system (LIS).

The Abuja Geographic Information Systems offers a very challenging and unique opportunity to reverse the unused and untapped opportunities in Nigeria by providing modern land administration systems.

This paper will look into the scientific and operational approaches adopted in the development of the Abuja Geographic Information Systems.

Anthony Adeoye
AAC Consulting
GIS Consultancy
299, Ikorodu Rd, Maryland
Olatunji House
Lagos , Lagos LA 1
Phone: 01-4974220
Fax: 01-4974220
E-mail: aacogis@yahoo.com