

The Neighborhood Information System: The Future of Neighborhood Indicator Frameworks
Track: State and Local Government
Author(s): Marlen Kokaz, Bradley Breuer

The Cartographic Modeling Lab (CML) at the University of Pennsylvania has been developing web-based GIS community indicator frameworks for more than five years. Today, the lab's flagship application, the Philadelphia Neighborhood Information System (www.cml.upenn.edu/nis), boasts several modules that enable users to map crime, social indicators, housing indicators, community art, and other critical indicators. With more than 1,500 users and abpit 200 nonprofit organizations accessing the system, it has become truly a leader in its field. This paper will focus on the successes and challenges of developing the indicators framework, the evolution of the system, outreach and training that has made the system so successful, and the future of Web-based GIS indicator frameworks. This paper will be of interest to the many communities and organizations invested in developing Web-based GIS data systems. CML will draw on its experience developing Web-based community data systems that use Esri's ArcIMS and ArcSDE technologies.

Marlen Kokaz
Cartographic Modeling Lab
University of Pennsylvania
200 Caster Building, Suite 200D
3701 Locust Walk
Philadelphia , PA 19104
Phone: 215-746-3241
E-mail: mkokaz@sp2.upenn.edu

Bradley Breuer
Avencia Incorporatred
340 N 12th St, Suite 402B
Philadelphia , PA 19107
Phone: 215-701-7712
E-mail: bradley@avencia.com