

Introducing Rhode Island's Geodata Gateway
Track: Metadata and Data Publishing
Author(s): Gregory Bonynge

The University of Rhode Island and the Rhode Island Geographic Information System (RIGIS) program unveiled Rhode Island's first statewide metadata portal in 2006. Rhode Island's Geodata Gateway has dramatically improved the ease by which georeferenced data resources are found within the state. Based on the Esri GIS Portal Toolkit, the Gateway invites users to search its catalog of geodata based on keywords, data themes, and geographic location. The Gateway simplifies the process of writing FGDC-compliant metadata, encouraging the sharing of geodata within the state. All metadata is subsequently shared with the nation via the USGS Geospatial One-Stop. Brief overviews will be offered of the functionality of the Gateway, our customizations of the base Toolkit software, and the technical resources we use to drive the portal. Those who are familiar with the Esri GIS Portal Toolkit and are interested in implementing their own metadata portal will benefit most from this presentation.

Gregory Bonynge
University of Rhode Island
Natural Resources Science
1 Greenhouse Road
Kingston , RI 02881
Phone: 401-874-2180
Fax: 401-874-4561
E-mail: greg@edc.uri.edu