

Implementing optimized GIS data collection to supply an EMS (France)
Track: EMS/Fire
Author(s): Yann Kacenelen

The new Essonne County Fire Service (ECFS) Emergency Management System (EMS) will be operational by April 2006. Its cartographic interface is destined to location purposes and to aid decision making. It will be supplied by the ECFS GIS data stored in ArcSDE.

The efficiency of emergency calls processing and responding will then depend much on the quality, recentness and completeness of the supplied GIS data. Since 2004, the ECFS Mapping & GIS team has been working on implementing both adequate organization and technical means to quickly get the updated ground-truth data from remote sources (mainly ECFS firemen and other public services) and eventually load it into the EMS database. All this started with existing workflows analysis and design, hardware and software selection, and hours of data modeling and inputting. It was followed by the development of a wizard form-aided ArcMap interface for disconnected editing before deployment on rugged computers.

Yann Kacenelen
Mapping & GIS
114 all�e des Champs Elys�es
Courcouronnes , Essonne 91080
Phone: 33160912293
Fax: 33160912399
E-mail: ykacenelen@sdis91.fr