

Utility of GIS in Search and Rescue Operations
Track: Disaster Mangagement and Emergency Response
Author(s): Emrah Soylemez, Nur�nnisa Usul

The main purpose of search and rescue operations is making effective and efficient searches with the ultimate goal of saving lives in the determined area. Two key factors are important in these operations. The first is to determine and specify the incident area by shrinking it; since determining a smaller search area decreases the search time. Secondly, reaching this area in an optimal way, so that the search team will not loose time during the operations.

Use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) assists search and rescue teams in favour of these two key factors. By using GIS techniques; firstly, probability maps, which show most probable locations containing the target, can be generated. Secondly, optimal routes to the search and rescue teams can be suggested. The case study is about a plane crash near K�tahya, Turkey which occurred in 2003.

Emrah Soylemez
Geodetic and Geographic information systems
S.Osman Temiz mah Gzt izzet Kezer sok 3/6 Dikmen
Ankara 06450
Phone: 903124813714
E-mail: emrahsoylemez@gmail.com

Nur�nnisa Usul
K-4 room no: 105 Ggit-Metu
Ankara , Ankara 06531
Phone: 903122105448
E-mail: nurusul@metu.edu.tr