

Integrating Time Series in Arc Hydro Water Resources Information Systems
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Ken Stewart, Jack Hampson, David Maidment, Tim Brink

The ideal Water Resources Information System integrates hydrologic spatial data with water data. It should enable the user to look at past, present and future (modeled) conditions. Because Arc Hydro assigns a unique HydroID to each feature of the hydrologic framework and builds relationships between features, it is possible to build data structures and tools that realize that goal. Users can track water moving through the hydrologic framework. Key concepts that underlie this capability have emerged through extensive collaborative work at the South Florida Water Management District. By using lengths and areas from GIS to convert water measurements on the fly to volume and time, data from multiple sources have been integrated. Historic and real-time data from gauges and SCADA systems can be compared with model data, and this data can participate in volumetric estimates of the water as it moves through the hydrologic framework.

Ken Stewart
South Florida Water Management District
SCADA and Hydra Data Management Department
3301 Gun Club Road, MS 5610
West Palm Beach , FL 33406
Phone: 561-682-2794
E-mail: kstewart@sfwmd.gov

Jack Hampson
National Water Resources Technology
5300 West Cypress Street
Suite 200
Tampa , FL 33607
Phone: 813-281-8368
E-mail: jchampson@pbsj.com

David Maidment
University of Texas at Austin
Center for Research in Water Resources
University of Texas at Austin
PRC Bldg. 119 MC R8000
Austin , TX 78712
Phone: (512) 471-0065
E-mail: maidment@mail.utexas.edu

Tim Brink
Information Solutions
5300 West Cypress Street
Tampa , FL 33607
Phone: 813-282-7275
E-mail: TGBrink@pbsj.com