

Bank Agency's Customers Density in PDF Format
Track: Business GIS
Author(s): Nathalie Silva, Fabiano Cucolo

Two ArcObjects applications were developed to convert a collection of x,y tables representing the nearest bank agency's customers to rasters in PDF format. There is one x,y table for each agency. Each x,y table contains the coordinates of clients nearest to that agency.

The first stand-alone application will convert all the x,y tables to geodatabase feature classes and then generate one density raster for each feature class.

The second application's goal is to automatically generate one PDF file for each customer's density raster previously generated. Before putting the density raster on the layout, the application will first use a predefined 3 km buffer representing the bank agency region to zoom to the density raster. Each PDF includes a raster layer with "classify" symbology to properly represent the customer's density around the agency.

The main goal is to automate the process of generating customer's density rasters.

Nathalie Silva
Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas - Universidade Estadual Paulista (IGCE - UNESP)
Avenida 24-A, 1515
Rio Claro , São Paulo 13506-900
Phone: 55 019 35262803
E-mail: mello.nathalie@gmail.com

Fabiano Cucolo
Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas - Universidade Estadual Paulista (IGCE - UNESP)
Avenida 24-A, 1515
Rio Claro , São Paulo 13506-900
Phone: 55 019 35262803
E-mail: ffcucolo@gmail.com