

Linking Chemical Information with Geodatabase Features via Web Services
Track: Environmental Management
Author(s): Eric Bernard, Daniel Andresen, Larry Erickson, Bhanuprakash Vanjaku

Information about chemicals' properties, potential hazards and regulations can be found in hundreds of Web sites from the EPA to state governments. Chemical information is critical for a multitude of business and government sectors in inventory management, environmental impact assessment, emergency response and public health. The Web-based Environmental Knowledge Assessment Tool (EKAT) developed for the United States Marine Corps catalogs more than 14,000 chemicals and queries policy and health regulations by jurisdiction via Web search. To leverage chemical information, Web services were developed in combination with an ArcGIS tool to integrate chemical knowledge with features stored in a geodatabase. Chemical information is linked to common features such as land parcels, buildings, soil or geologic formation, well/boreholes, streams/rivers, and transportation networks in existing data models. The power of ArcGIS spatial modeling and analysis can be harnessed for environmental modeling and assessment, hazardous substance inventory tracking and management, emergency and hazmat response.

Eric Bernard
Kansas State University
Landscape Architecture Planning
302 Seaton Hall
Manhattan , KS 66506-2909
Phone: 785-532-5961
E-mail: ebernard@ksu.edu

Daniel Andresen
Kansas State University
Computer and Information Science
234 Nichols Hall
Manhattan , KS 66506
Phone: 785-532-6350
E-mail: dan@k-state.edu

Larry Erickson
Kansas State University
Chemical Engineering
105 Durland Hall
Manhattan , KS 66506
Phone: 785-532-4313
E-mail: lerick@k-state.edu

Bhanuprakash Vanjaku
Kansas State University
Computer and Information Science
234 Nichols Hall
Manhattan , KS 66506
Phone: 785-532-6350
E-mail: bhanu@ksu.edu