

Applying ArcGIS to Identify Communities Near Pipelines
Track: Petroleum and Pipeline Transmission
Author(s): Gilberto Hernandes

Bol�via-Brasil Natural Gas Pipeline has 1,543 miles of pipeline in Brazilian territory, the largest of its kind in South America. The transportation capacity is 30 MMm3/day. The aim of this paper is to present the methodology used to identify communities around the pipeline using aerial photography, QuickBird high-resolution images and geoprocessing tools. These technologies allowed users to generate a useful cadastral GIS data and identify High Consequence Areas (HCA) at pipeline corridor. The results contribute to risk analysis, integrity management, safety, social responsibility, environment program.

Gilberto Hernandes
Av. Brasil, 1350 Apto 22
Americana , null 13465-770
Phone: 55 19 3323 5818
Fax: 55 19 3323 5822
E-mail: ghernandes@tbg.com.br