

Implementing Geomarketing as a Strategic Planning Tool
Track: Telecommunications & Location-Based Services
Author(s): Rafael Marquez, Rodrigo Santos

Telecom Italia Mobile (TIM) is a major wireless operator offering services throughout Brazil. Each of our regions is unique and has different customer needs and competitive environments. GIS assures that important information, such as the behavior of our potential customers and competitors per micro region, can be visualized and analyzed.

This permits us to proactively anticipate our competitor's actions and optimize our resources/network coverage to best meet regional demands and be closer to our customers.

Our challenge is to implement an efficient enterprise GIS aligned with TIM's strategy. To reach this objective, we are establishing the same analytical criteria for all regions and are using a unified geographic database. This will allow us to be consistent with our decision-making process and will permit the comparison of regional data to implement our regional/global marketing plans.

Rafael Marquez
Tim Brasil S/A
Av Americas 3434
Bloco 1 - 4� andar
Rio de Janeiro , Rio de Janeiro / RJ 22640-102
Phone: 55 21 8113 1110
Fax: 55 21 4009 3989
E-mail: rmarquez@timbrasil.com.br

Rodrigo Santos
Tim Brasil S/A
Av Americas, 3434
Bloco 1 - 4� andar - Barra da Tijuca
Rio de Janeiro , Rio de Janeiro / RJ 22640-102
Phone: 55 21 8113 3669
E-mail: robrito@timbrasil.com.br