

Tactical Model of Supplying for a Forest Company Using GIS
Track: Forestry, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management
Author(s): Jose Luis Garcinuno

The present study raises the need to develop a tactical model of supplying a forest company with information by using GIS and mathematical models.


To allow the model to be a support tool for-long term decision making with regard to the available timber and the distribution of forest entries, both in time and space.

To determine, given typical characteristic of the forest, how to manage each timber type using silvicultural options and opportunities to apply them.

To determine the timing and location of harvest volumes according to the demands generated by the sustainable harvest model developed by the company.

Jose Luis Garcinuno
P.O.Box 202
Scotia , CA 95565
Phone: 707 - 764 -4157
E-mail: jgarcinuno@scopac.com