

City of Covington Storm Water Infrastructure Mapping Initiative
Track: Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater
Author(s): Issac Standard, Vincent Maloch, Vincent Maloch

The city of Covington encompasses 14.4 square miles, has a population of approximately 13,000, and is located 35 miles southeast of Atlanta, Georgia. On December 8, 1999, the USEPA published the NPDES Phase II Storm Water Final Rule. This rule required Covington to apply for coverage under the permit by March 10, 2003, and to complete a comprehensive map of storm water infrastructure by December 2007.

To comply with NPDES mapping requirements, Covington purchased innovative field mapping software and a sophisticated surveying system composed of a permanent reference station, GPS rovers, and a survey total station. Covington GIS personnel designed a comprehensive storm water geodatabase in ArcSDE and began infrastructure mapping. Disconnected editing with the new field software was used to provide a real-time interface between the high-precision survey measurements and the GIS data management.

Issac Standard
City of Covington
1146 Conyers St.
Covington , GA 30014
Phone: 770-385-2095
Fax: 678-342-5280
E-mail: istandard@cityofcovington.org

Vincent Maloch
City of Covington
1146 Conyers St.
Covington , GA 30014
Phone: 770-385-2095
Fax: 678-342-5280
E-mail: cmaloch@cityofcovington.org

Vincent Maloch
City of Covington
1146 Conyers St.
Covington , GA 30014
Phone: 770-385-2095
Fax: 678-342-5280
E-mail: cmaloch@cityofcovington.org