

Dynamic Wildfire Risk Mapping: Challenges and Solutions
Track: EMS/Fire
Author(s): Noah Goldstein, Max Moritz, Faith Kearns

Mapping wildfire risk is crucial for planning, government and civilian groups as more homes and communities are being threatened by wildfire. A common approach to understanding the risk of wildfires is to do a simple map overlay and determine which regions are in danger. This static deterministic method, while quick to produce, cannot account for new and novel data sources and modeling approaches. This work presents two complementary approaches to mapping dynamic wildfire risk. The first is a stochastic coupled wildfire risk/urban growth model called Vesta, which can be used to forecast risk under different development and management scenarios. The second is the Fire Information Engine, a product of the University of California Berkeley Center for Fire Research and Outreach, which produces user-defined Web maps of localized wildfire risk to structures. The Fire Information Engine incorporates newly collected field data and can be used to compare different risk assessment strategies.

Noah Goldstein
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Systems & Decision Sciences
7000 East Ave., L-644
Livermore , CA 94551
Phone: (925) 423-3916
E-mail: goldstein8@llnl.gov

Max Moritz
College of Natural Resources
Center for Fire Research and Outreach
137 Mulford Hall ##3114
UC Berkeley
Berkeley , CA 94720
Phone: 510-642-7329
E-mail: mmoritz@nature.berkeley.edu

Faith Kearns
College of Natural Resources
Center for Fire Research and Outreach
137 Mulford Hall ##3114
UC Berkeley
Berkeley , CA 94720
Phone: (510) 643-0409
E-mail: fkearns@nature.berkeley.edu