

How to Create an Outstanding GIS Day Event!
Track: Education
Author(s): Frank Wideman, Trudy Dunham

Learn how to create short but compelling three- to five-minute interactive exhibits, presentations, and hands on activities that bring the public into your GIS Day event so they will leave with a better understanding of the use of geospatial technology in their community. This paper demonstrates how to design maps so your audience is personally affected by the information displayed.

Frank Wideman
University of Missouri
321 N Main, Suite 1
Perryville , MO 63775
Phone: 573�-547�-4504
E-mail: widemanf@missouri.edu

Trudy Dunham
University of Minnesota
Ctr 4-HYD, 490 Coffey Hall, 1420 Eckles Avenue
Saint Paul , MN 55108
Phone: 612-624-8181
E-mail: dunha003@umn.edu