

SDI Development for Support of Sediment TMDL Implementation
Track: Environmental Management
Author(s): Aditya Agrawal, Nate Strout, Paul Burgess, Jordan Henk

To implement sediment TMDLs in the Imperial Valley of southern California, agencies must identify management practices that reduce sediment loading on agricultural lands draining to the Salton Sea. To do so, effective management requires a complex arrangement of data collection, standardization and spatial analysis, a process better facilitated by the development of an SDI. In our case, an integrated GIS database and a set of Web-based GIS applications will be developed according to state standards that better promote data sharing between agencies and stakeholders. This paper will provide a conceptual framework for developing this infrastructure while also providing preliminary results from stakeholder needs assessments and requirements analysis, including lessons learned and recommendations, beneficial to others conducting similar efforts.

Aditya Agrawal
University of Redlands
Redlands Institute
1200 E Colton Ave
Redlands , CA 92373
Phone: 909-748-6286
E-mail: aditya_agrawal@redlands.edu

Nate Strout
University of Redlands
Redlands Institute
1200 E Colton Ave
Redlands , CA 92373
Phone: 909-793-2121
E-mail: nathan_strout@redlands.edu

Paul Burgess
University of Redlands
Redlands Institute
1200 E Colton Ave
Redlands , CA 92373
Phone: 909-793-2121
E-mail: paul_burgess@redlands.edu

Jordan Henk
University of Redlands
Redlands Institute
1200 E Colton Ave
Redlands , CA 92373
Phone: 909-793-2121
E-mail: jordan_henk@redlands.edu