

Spatial Data Analysis of Salmonella in Dairy Farms
Track: Health and Human Services
Author(s): Sara Wetherbee

My client is providing salmonella bacteria sample data over several time periods from dairy farms on the island of Bovinia. Samples include positive results for salmonella in bulk milk storage tanks and in other areas throughout the farms. The primary question is whether the spatiotemporal pattern of salmonella samples is nonrandom. Spatiotemporal point pattern analysis will be used to test for nonrandom spatial patterns in the salmonella data. Spatial statistics from the ArcGIS 9 geoprocessing environment will be used for hypothesis testing. If nonrandom distributions are discovered, GIS overlay analysis will be used to examine secondary questions; for example, what are the relationships between salmonella distribution and the environmental geography of the farms? How can we model the relationships to predict future salmonella diffusion?

Sara Wetherbee
University of Redlands
1111 E Central Ave. Apt 15
Redlands , CA 92374
Phone: 703-585-9725
E-mail: sara_wetherbee@redlands.edu