

Migrating Germany's Third Largest Energy Company
Track: Electric and Gas
Author(s): Oliver M�ller-Bertram, Peter Gr�ninger, Peter Gr�ninger

The liberalization of the electricity market in Europe enforces energy companies to quickly position themselves in the competition. Therefore, the EnBW decided to use the strength of the modern GIS system, ArcFM UT, to enhance its performance along the whole value-added chain.

EnBW provides electricity and gas to the second largest state in Germany, Baden-W�rttemberg, and also operates throughout Germany and in other markets of central and eastern Europe. This covers about 5 million people.

A very important task when introducing a companywide GIS system is the data migration into this new system and keeping the investments made in capturing these tons and tons of data (ca. 100.000 km of cables and pipes). This topic will show strategies, experiences and risks when migrating data from three different systems (SICAD-AKOSIC VL, SICAD-UT 3.2, Microstation) to one integrated Esri-based platform.

Oliver M�ller-Bertram
Systeme Infrastruktur Support GmbH
Bolzstr. 8
Stuttgart , Baden-W�rttemberg 70174
Phone: +4971128922134
Fax: +4971128954504
E-mail: O.Mueller-Bertram@enbw.com

Peter Gr�ninger
BARAL Geohaus-Consulting AG
Aulberstra�e 24
Reutlingen , Baden-W�rttemberg 72762
Phone: +497121946438
Fax: +497121946422
E-mail: peter.grueninger@baral.de

Peter Gr�ninger
BARAL Geohaus-Consulting AG
Aulberstra�e 24
Reutlingen , Baden-W�rttemberg 72762
Phone: +497121946438
Fax: +497121946422
E-mail: peter.grueninger@baral.de