

Transforming Aeronautical NAV/PLAN Charts: Enterprise Product on Demand Service
Track: Defense and Intelligence
Author(s): Stephen Dickens

Currently, NGA's aeronautical NAV/PLAN charts are created and maintained using labor intensive and obsolete methods. Enterprise Product on Demand Service (ePODS) is a means to use technology to transform legacy methods into an automated process. This server-based application utilizes Web service architecture and relies on the concept of leveraging NGA data stores to produce customer-generated charts.

An ePODS application can be hosted in any browser that supports current Web standards. The browser will access Web services built specifically for ePODS based on Esri's ArcGIS to generate the chart. Because ePODS was designed for open consumption, other applications would also be able to use ePODS in their own client. This paper will discuss the technology and the resulting improvements in product quality and labor efficiencies.

Stephen Dickens
380 New York St
Redlands , CA 92373
Phone: 909-793-2853
E-mail: Stephen.E.Dickens@nga.mil