GIS Technologies in Support of the NATO Recognized Environmental Picture Track: Defense and Intelligence Author(s): Jos� Balsinhas, John Teufert Modern military operations demand that military forces operate with integrated and coherent environmental support across the spectrum of military operations inside and outside NATO territory. The guiding principle is that GEO/METOC information, including meteorological data, will be required to support NATO forces and non-NATO nations participating in NATO-led operations. Currently, the available GEOMETOC information is very fragmented. NATO defines the Recognised Environmental Picture as the controlled information base for GEOMETOC data. The NATO REP proposes an architecture that is both flexible and open. The focus lies on enabling a networkcentric approach utilizing state-of-the-art GIS technology and open standards that apply to both the data exchange protocols and the data formats. REP architecture was tested during the NATO Coalition Warrior Interoperability Demonstration (CWID) 2005 in Lillehammer. The paper will present results of the REP architecture that has been deployed and successfully validated during the NATO NRF Steadfast live exercises in 2006. Jos� Balsinhas NATO Consultation Command and Control Agency NC3A Geo Team Oude Waalsdorperweg 61 The Hague , null 2597 AK NL Phone: +31 70 374 3677 Fax: + 31 70 374 304 E-mail: jose.balsinhas@nc3a.nato.int John Teufert NATO Command Control and Consultabcy Agency NC3A Geo Team Oude Waalsdorpereg 61 The Hague 2597 AK NL Phone: + 31 70 374 Fax: +31 70 374 3049 E-mail: john.teufert@nc3a.nato.int |