

Digital Geospatial Information Working Group: Military Geospatial Interoperability through Standards
Track: Defense and Intelligence
Author(s): Neil Hadden

DGIWG provides advice and recommendations on geospatial standardization to the defence organizations of 18 nations, coordinating with other standards bodies.

Today's military challenges highlight the need for geospatial interoperability between coalition nations. DGIWG pursues this by developing standards through projects in data structures, services and interfaces, and data access. Recent outputs include specifications, schemas and registers, some for NATO Core GIS and MGCP.

Previously DGIWG produced DIGEST, adopted as a NATO STANAG and including the FACC.

Current work includes feature and attribute data and the DGIWG Feature Data Dictionary. Outreach is facilitated through the DGIWG Knowledge Base and Web site.

Future work will focus DGIWG outputs on the requirements of key clients, emphasizing implementation and involving improved collaborative efforts including formation of short-term working groups. Involvement of more experts will be important to increase synergies, and more member nations will be sought to draw on standards efforts already occurring nationally.

Neil Hadden
Digital Geospatial Information Working Group
380 New York St
Redlands , CA 92373
Phone: 909-793-2853
E-mail: Neil.Hadden754@mod.uk