

Urban Form and Temperature: Heat Island Research in Yokohama, Japan
Track: Education
Author(s): Troy Fowler

The Urban Heat Island effect refers to abnormally high temperatures in urban cores from over concentrations of artificial surfaces and anthropogenic heat emissions. Urban Heat Islands are serious problems in Japan that contribute to high energy consumption; compromised air quality, human health and comfort; abnormal weather patterns; and are implicated in global warming. Surface air temperature distributions of adjacent commercial built-up districts in Yokohama, Japan, with different building density profiles are presented. Relationships between surface air temperature, wind speed, and sky view factors are examined in terms of urban topography (building height and density). Higher sky view factors were correlated with higher wind speeds and nighttime radiant cooling, and areas with lower sky view factors had higher daytime and nighttime temperatures.

Troy Fowler
Yokohama National University
Graduate School of Environmental and Information Sciences
Minamiku, Shinkawacho 2-3-3
Yokohama , Kanagawa 232-0061
Phone: +81 45 339 4247
E-mail: upinmytree@gmail.com