

How Surveyors Can Use NILS Survey Management and Measurement Management
Track: Surveying
Author(s): Steven Dodds, Robert Casias

Among other things, BLM is responsible for cadastral survey, land and mineral use authorization, and resource management of public lands. The National Integrated Land System (NILS), a joint project between BLM and the USDA Forest Service in partnership with states, counties, and private industry, provides a common solution for the sharing of land record information within federal, state, and local governments as well as the private sector. The Survey Management module of NILS supports the processing of field survey measurement data, while the Measurement Management module of NILS allows for the combination of measurement data from a variety of sources and reliabilities to create a seamless Public Land Survey System (PLSS) network. This presentation will include an in-depth discussion of how to use the NILS application to import, analyze, and manipulate survey data into a GIS environment to create the measurement and PLSS networks.

Steven Dodds
USDA Forest Service
380 New York St
Redlands , CA 92374
Phone: 909-793-2853
E-mail: sdodds@fs.fed.us

Robert Casias
380 New York St.
Redlands , CA 92373
Phone: 909-793-2853
E-mail: Robert_Casias@nm.blm.gov