

Southeast Partnership for Land and Water Protection
Track: Parks and Natural Reserves
Author(s): Andrew Carroll

In 2005, the Southeast Watershed Forum (SEWF) began a survey of protected lands and waters for the greater southeast United States region. This survey, part of an initiative supported by a broad range of government and nonprofit partners, was designed to communicate previously unmapped protected lands and ecological restoration efforts. In 2006, SEWF partnered with the US Geological Survey's National Biological Information Infrastructure program to provide the technical and bioinformatics support needed to communicate project data. Survey results and agency datasets were compiled into a database and distributed through an online GIS application. Project outcomes were designed to foster greater collaboration among organizations by sharing common data, provide access to a database of current initiatives (such that leveraging of funds may occur), involve local communities in comprehensive planning efforts, demonstrate GIS solutions for low-resource organizations, and identify land and water protection gaps.

Andrew Carroll
University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
Biological and Environmental Sciences
3711 Skylark Trail
Chattanooga , TN 37416
Phone: 423-605-3684
E-mail: andrew@acarroll-gis.org