

Navy GeoReadiness System Architecture
Track: System Implementation for GIS
Author(s): Ayman El-Swaify

The NAVFAC Information Technology Center (NITC) hosts a centralized platform supporting the Navy's worldwide GeoReadiness Program. The central platform consists of two parts. The first is referred to as the GIS Maintenance and Analysis Environment and is the means by which corporate GIS users gain access to their geospatial data, ArcGIS software, and various supporting tool sets. The second is the GIS Publishing Environment where geospatial data and metadata are made available to end users via corporate application interfaces. This presentation will outline the background behind the Navy's decision to centralize the majority of its GIS operation and cover in some detail the infrastructure and processes used in deploying these capabilities.

Ayman El-Swaify
NAVFAC Information Technology Center
258 Makalapa Drive Suite 100
Pearl Harbor , HI 96860-3134
Phone: 808-472-1517
E-mail: ayman.el-swaify@navy.mil