

Analyzing Sanitary/Storm Sewer Cross-Contamination Using ArcGIS
Track: Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater
Author(s): Paul Tessar, Darren Mollendor

Cross-contamination of the Storm Sewer System with exfiltrates from the Sanitary Sewer System is a common problem that has been difficult to address using traditional approaches and tools. This presentation will describe the methodology used to analyze current conditions, discuss how this information was fed into the City Work Order System to coordinate investigation and remediation activities, and review the current status of the project.

Paul Tessar
201 W. Colfax Ave., Dept 301
Denver , CO 80202
Phone: 720-913-4882
Fax: 720-913-4830
E-mail: paul.tessar@ci.denver.co.us

Darren Mollendor
Denver Wastewater Management
Water Quality/NPDES
2000 W. Third Ave.
Denver 80223
Phone: 720-446-3588
E-mail: darren.mollendor@ci.denver.co.us