

Harris County's Development of an Enterprise Wide Asset Management System
Track: State and Local Government
Author(s): Andre Bally, Jackie Freeman

How do you move the country's third largest county (by population), larger than 23 states, from what is essentially a very manual, very paper oriented environment to a digital world in terms of Asset Accounting and Asset Management, especially in light of the GASB guidelines? The first steps require self examination. An understanding of existing business processes, work flows and our asset life cycle, from inception through implementation, maintenance and finally asset retirement must be undertaken. Then answer some very difficult questions: How can we maintain our AAA bond rating? How to develop and implement new tools for asset accounting and management within a politically sensitive environment without disrupting current methodologies and encouraging new technologies? All these challenges are underway at Harris County with the initiation of their County Asset Management System (CAMS).

Andre Bally
Harris County Public Infrastructure
Engineering Division
1001 Preston, 7th Flr
Houston , TX 77002
Phone: 713-755-7194
Fax: 713-755-5295
E-mail: abally@eng.hctx.net

Jackie Freeman
Harris County Public Infrastructure
Engineering Division
1001 Preston, 7th Flr
Houston , TX 77002
Phone: 713-755-5370
Fax: 713-755-5295
E-mail: jfreeman@eng.hctx.net