CIRGIS Data View: How a GIS Collaborative Publishes Regional Data Track: Spatial Data Infrastructure Author(s): Paul Van Zuyle The Channel Islands Regional GIS Collaborative publishes a Web Mapping Service (WMS) for inclusion in the National Map. With assistance from the Federal Geographic Data Committee's Cooperative Agreement Program, CIRGIS has collected data from members, established an ArcIMS server that uses both local and distributed data, and developed applications that use these resources. Along the way, CIRGIS learned how to tap both the data resources and the technical capabilities of its members, and to overcome some of the difficulties inherent in interagency cooperation. The benefits of the project include broader availability of local data to homeland security and emergency responders, and a platform for building local and regional GIS applications that can be shared across many users. The data in the CIRGIS service includes parcels, high-resolution color imagery, elevations from LIDAR and address points, and is easily combined with other data in applications such ArcExplorer Web Edition. Paul Van Zuyle City of Thousand Oaks 2100 Thousand OAks Bl Thousand Oaks , CA 91362 US Phone: (805) 449-2279 E-mail: pvanzuyle@toaks.org |