

Cs-137 Contamination on a Nuclear Decommissioning Site
Track: Environmental Management
Author(s): Iain Willis, Stephen Saunders

Hunterston A is a Decommissioning Nuclear Power Station located on a promontory of the Ayrshire coast, Scotland. During site operation, a low level waste discharge line was discovered to have leaked resulting in Radionuclide dispersion into the sub-surface environment. A Contaminated land team at Hunterston have been managing an environmental investigation since 2003. Alongside intrusive ground investigation work, GIS is being used extensively to characterise the extent and risk of potential contamination--spatial analysis is helping to determine the areal extent of Cs-137 in silts around the pipeline, remedial strategies are being focused by volumetric calculations in ArcView, and 3D models of the Geological strata have also been created in ArcScene. With the possible on-site storage of low level waste, GIS is being used to determine end state strategies and for stakeholder presentation purposes.

Iain Willis
British Nuclear Group
Contaminated Land
Hunterston A Decommissioning Site
West Kilbride , null KA23 9RA
Phone: 0044 01294 824179
E-mail: iain.i.willis@bnfl.com

Stephen Saunders
British Nuclear Group
Contaminated Land
Hunterston A
West Kilbride
West Kilbride , Ayrshire KA23 9RA
Phone: 44 01294 824179
E-mail: stephen.saunders@britishnucleargroup.com