

WatershedDB Internet Mapping Project
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Theresa Valentine

This paper will highlight the US Forest Service (USFS) and Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) sponsored WatershedDB project. WatershedDB is an effort to assemble spatial data for participating experimental watersheds in the USFS/LTER-sponsored Climate and Hydrology Database (ClimDB/HydroDB) project and to build an Internet accessible application to allow researchers to view and interact with site spatial data layers. Currently, 47 sites are part of the project and are distributed from Alaska to Antarctica and include all the LTER sites. Data collected includes station locations for 153 stream and meteorological gauges, site locations for participants, and more detailed watershed, stream network, and boundary information for 10 sites. This paper will examine the technical aspects of building the Web application, the challenges and issues tested in the pilot project, efforts to use ArcGIS 9.2 temporal tools to interact with long term data, and future plans of the project.

Theresa Valentine
U.S. Forest Service
Corvallis Forest Science Lab
3200 Jefferson Way SW
Corvallis , OR 97331
Phone: 541-740-7333
E-mail: tvalentine@fs.fed.us