

Management and Sharing Information System of Chinese Land Resources
Track: Application Development
Author(s): Yanzhen Yue, Zehui Li, Cuiyu Qu

To scientifically reveal the quantity, quality, distribution, and dynamics of land resources in China, the land resources datasets at a scale of 1:100M have been collected nationwide since 1992. Based on the advanced Esri software suites, the authors created the web-based management and sharing information system. This system is composed of six layers of user services, datasets, network, technical support, and management, and it provides the end-users with multiple services of metadata query, spatial data query, attribute query, model calculation, dynamic mapping, and downloading.

Yanzhen Yue
Institute of Geography and Natural Resources Research
Chinese Ecosystem Research network
Road Datun 11, Chaoyang distrcit
Beijing 100101
Phone: 0086-10-64889267
Fax: 86-10-64889399
E-mail: yyz@cern.ac.cn

Zehui Li
Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research CAS
Data center for Resources and Environment
Road Datun 11, Chaoyang distrcit
Beijing 100101
Phone: 86-10-64889070
E-mail: lizh@igsnrr.ac.cn

Cuiyu Qu
Institute of Geography and Natural Resources Research
Chinese Ecosystem Research network
Road Datun 11, Chaoyang distrcit
Beijing 100101
Phone: 86-10-64889267
E-mail: qqop@263.net