Improving Officer Safety Using ArcGIS Track: Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Author(s): Chris Rogers, Tim Hill CA DOJ has developed a system that greatly improves law enforcement officer safety using GIS technology. The application employs a service-oriented architecture that geo-codes and visualizes active law enforcement events (operations), i.e., surveillance, search warrants, sting operations, etc. These events are then evaluated against each other to determine any operational overlaps that could potentially compromise officer safety. As conflicts between events are identified, an alert is indicated allowing the events to be "deconflicted". The Geographic Event Mapping System (GEMS) was originally developed using ArcView 3.x technology. The most recent effort migrated the application functionality and workflows to ArcGIS 9.x technology: ArcSDE and ArcGIS Server and the application has been deployed in a high availability configuration. The paper will present challenges faced, solutions developed, and some lessons learned. Chris Rogers CA DOJ 4949 BROADWAY SACRAMENTO , CA 96001 US Phone: 916-227-3124 E-mail: christina.rogers@doj.ca.gov Tim Hill CH2M HILL 2525 Airpark Drive Redding , CA 96001 US Phone: 530-229-3269 E-mail: thill@ch2m.com |