

Delivering GIS: Lessons Learned from the Georgia Power Implementation Project
Track: GIS Organization, Management, and Implementation
Author(s): Mary Adams, Aaron Patterson

In 2005, Georgia Power Company (GPC) embarked on a project to replace their legacy AutoCad system with a state-of-the-art Esri GIS Platform. This includes a full deployment of Esri technology utilizing Miner & Miner ArcFM and Designer products, and numerous interfaces to support existing operational systems in place at GPC, such as SPL's Centricity Outage Management System and Cyme's CYMDist Engineering Analysis software. This paper describes the steps taken prior to the project to assist in ensuring a successful project, and the implementation itself. It covers the major successes of the project and the hurdles that were overcome. In conclusion, a list of "lessons learned" will be provided to assist other organizations who are about to embark on similar projects.

Mary Adams
Georgia Power Company
Distribution Management Systems
Bin 20020, 241 Ralph McGill Blvd
Atlanta , GA 30308
Phone: 404-506-2976
Fax: 404-506-7872
E-mail: mhadams@southernco.com

Aaron Patterson
Enspiria Solutions, Inc
6560 S. Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Suite 500
Greenwood Village , CO 80111
Phone: 720-427-2238
E-mail: apatterson@enspiria.com