

Using Statistics to Manage GIS Growth in a State Agency
Track: GIS Organization, Management, and Implementation
Author(s): Richard Daniels, Jay Callar

In small government agencies or offices the maximum user base for GIS can be estimated prior to deployment of the technology. In larger agencies, or agencies that are distributed over a wide geographic area, the GIS manager may not be aware of all GIS initiatives underway. This makes scaling of the GIS environment difficult. A required step in addressing this problem is the development of a GIS usage tracking methodology. It is necessary to track both the number of GIS installations as well as to measure actual usage of the technology. Once a sufficiently long period of record has been compiled, usually twelve months, you will be able to develop usage projections, plan for growth, and justify funding requests. By planning in this way you will be able to encourage the use of GIS in your agency without being hampered by foreseeable resource constraints.

Richard Daniels
Washington State Department of Transportation
Office of Information Technology
P.O. Box 47430
Olympia , WA 98504-7430
Phone: 3607057654
Fax: 3607056817
E-mail: danielri@wsdot.wa.gov

Jay Callar
Office of Information Technology
Washington Department of Transportation
P.O. Box 47430
Olympia , WA 98504-7430
Phone: 3607057675
E-mail: CallarJ@wsdot.wa.gov