

Use of Census Datasets in Spatial Analysis for Transit Planning
Track: Transportation
Author(s): Kris Bezdecny, Martin Catala

This paper explores spatial analysis applications of American Community Survey (ACS), Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP) and Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) U.S. Census datasets in transit planning research. Utilizing ArcGIS 9.1, CTPP data was spatially incorporated into a Journey to Work website for the state of Florida at the place scale. Also using CTPP data, as well as ACS data, analysis was performed to identify concentrations of choice ridership for a reorganization of Tampa's HARTline express service. The lessons learned in these projects are examined, as well as expanding applications of the census data products in additional GIS in transit research endeavors.

Kris Bezdecny
University of South Florida
Center for Urban Transportation Research
4202 E Fowler Ave CUT100
Tampa , FL 33620
Phone: 813-974-9829
E-mail: bezdecny@cutr.usf.edu

Martin Catala
University of South Florida
Center for Urban Transportation Research
4202 E Fowler Ave CUT100
Tampa , FL 33620
Phone: 813-974-9791
E-mail: catala@cutr.usf.edu