

The Road to Building a Safety Net
Track: Health and Human Services
Author(s): Miriam McGaugh, Katy Rich

In order to reverse Oklahoma's negative trend of poor health status indicators, changes needs to occur. The Office of Primary Care and Rural Health Development (OPCO) within the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) wanted to strengthen Oklahoma's public health safety net by taking a holistic look at Oklahoman's health at the lowest geographic level. Data were obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau, OSDH Center for Health Information and the Oklahoma Department of Labor. When possible, census tract and ZIP Code levels were represented to give a more accurate reflection of health issues while securing data integrity and confidentiality. All information was housed in a Microsoft Access database and mapped using ArcInfo 9.1, and cluster analysis was performed using SatScan. The results were a functional database, geographic representations of all data elements, and cluster analysis outcomes. All are utilized to guide the state's community health center program to maximize available resources.

Miriam McGaugh
Oklahoma State Dept. of Health
Community Development Service
1000 NE 10TH ST
Room 508
Oklahoma City , OK 73117
Phone: 405-271-6127
Fax: 405-271-1225
E-mail: miriamm@health.ok.gov

Katy Rich
Oklahoma State Department of Health
Center for Health Information
1000 NE 10TH ST
Oklahoma City , OK 73117
Phone: 405-271-9444
E-mail: KatyR@health.ok.gov