

ARCTool for Air Traffic Control Sector Redesign
Track: Transportation
Author(s): Justin Boesel, James DeArmon

In air traffic control, each controller is assigned a 3D portion of airspace called a sector. Periodically, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) redesigns some sectors to accommodate new traffic patterns and to take advantage of technological changes. The MITRE Corporation works with the FAA to support sector redesign. As part of this work, MITRE uses a customized suite of Python-based ArcTools to help evaluate whether a proposed sector is likely to be too busy and to identify several common problems. This is an important early step in the sector redesign process. In ArcMap, the user defines the proposed sector as a group of contiguous polygons, each with its own altitude ceiling and floor. The ArcTools then use traffic data to calculate instantaneous aircraft count, to identify problems, such as flights that exit then reenter the sector, and to count the flights a sector shares with each of its neighbors.

Justin Boesel
7515 Colshire Rd.
McLean, VA 22102
Phone: 703-983-2758
E-mail: boesel@mitre.org

James DeArmon
MITRE Corporation
7515 Colshire Dr.
McLean, VA 22102
Phone: 703-983-6051
E-mail: jdearmon@mitre.org