

Geostatistical Study for Fraud and Energy Losses in Electric Utilities
Track: Electric and Gas
Author(s): Eduardo Francisco, Eduardo Fagundes

One of the biggest challenges faced by AES Eletropaulo and other big Electric Utilities is the understanding and reduction of loss rates, particularly in regard to commercial losses. To face this challenge, a lot of effort has been made aiming at understanding the generating factors of energy losses, such as fraud and illegal connections, which includes household income, cultural aspects and other social-economical variables - all of them geographically located and mutually influenced. In order to handle it, this study uses geographic analysis to create a energy losses indicator. We used ArcGIS Spatial Analyst and Geostatistical Analyst, the Spatial Dependence extension of R statistical package and a MapObjects geostatistical application called GeoDA. This work aims at establishing a geostatistical methodology for the identification of areas with greater potential of clients with energy losses (reducing operational costs), which also confirms the statistical relationship between social economical variables and energy losses.

Eduardo Francisco
AES Eletropaulo
Rua Tabatinguera 164 - Térreo
São Paulo , São Paulo 01020-000
Phone: +55-11-21951537
Fax: +55-11-21952511
E-mail: eduardo.francisco@aes.com

Eduardo Fagundes
AES Eletropaulo
Loss Reduction Studies and Planning Management
Rua 25 de Janeiro, 320 - Luz
São Paulo , São Paulo 01103-000
Phone: +55-11-21952771
Fax: +55-11-21952932
E-mail: eduardo.bortotti@aes.com