

Elaborating the Lebialem Integrated Development Planning Using Spatial Information Sciences
Track: Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Affairs
Author(s): Folefac Anu

Lebialem division is in the South-West Province of the Republic of Cameroon. Due to its goal to participate in community and rural development, the elites, local municipalities, and local communities have initiated the Lebialem Integrated and Development plan. The project aims at developing a spatial database for Lebialem division containing all local infrastructures such as health centers, energy, education, Palaces, tourist sites, land use, road network, hydrology, water resources, and natural resources. The end result of this project is to produce thematic maps and a spatial database based on remote sensing application and GIS showing all the resources which could be used as a means to present where development assistance can be given a priority. The importance of this project is to use geo-information technology as a tool for rural development and geospatial data visualization. ArcView GIS, Landsat ETM, and GPS are the main tools used in the realization of the studies.

Folefac Anu
Nkong Hill Common Initiative Group
Natural Resource Management
Nkong Hill Common Initiative Group
BUEA , null 00222
Phone: (00237)7648113
Fax: (00237)7648113
E-mail: eretcam@yahoo.fr