

Developing a Campus-wide Base Map for Planning, Design, and Construction
Track: GIS Organization, Management, and Implementation
Author(s): Berent Pippert, Tobias Wolf

The 1,112-acre UCR campus is experiencing a growth cycle with a present enrollment of approximately 17,000 students that is expected to increase to 25,000 students by 2015-16. Currently UCR is comprised of over 570 buildings totaling 5.5 million GSF, which will increase to 11.8 million GSF to accommodate the growth. UCR decided to produce an accurate campus-wide base map to assist with planning, design, and construction. This base map will serve as the foundation for a campus-wide enterprise GIS that will integrate multiple departments, such as Police, Parking, and Environmental Health & Safety. The HDR team was selected to produce 6" digital color orthophotography, 1' contours, LIDAR, 3-D wire-frame of all buildings and associated base map products, at resolutions less than 1-foot. This data will allow UCR to conduct 3-D modeling and line of sight analysis, and will link to the campus Facilities Management System (FMS) used for space management.

Berent Pippert
University of California, Riverside
Capital and Physical Planning
3637 Canyon Crest Drive, F101
Riverside , CA 92507
Phone: 951-827-2431
E-mail: berent.pippert@ucr.edu

Tobias Wolf
HDR Engineering Inc.
8690 Balboa Avenue
Suite 200
San Diego, CA , CA 92123
Phone: 858-712-8370
E-mail: dtobiaswolf@yahoo.com