

Development of an Intermodal Network for Freight Transportation Analysis
Track: Transportation
Author(s): Aaron Falzarano, J. Hawker, Karl Korfmacher, James Winebrake, Stephen Zilora, James Corbett, Sai Ketha

This paper describes a process for creating an intermodal freight transportation network within ArcGIS. In this process, ArcGIS Network Analyst is used to create an intermodal network and conduct optimal route analysis for various network attributes. In particular, the paper demonstrates how users can integrate highway, rail, waterway, and transit facility data from sources such as the National Transportation Atlas Database, as well as discussing existing database limitations to network analyses. We illustrate this network development using a case study that analyzes freight traffic along the U.S. Eastern Seaboard.

Aaron Falzarano
Rochester Institute of Technology
Science, Technology, and Public Policy
122 Greystone Lane Apt. 6
Rochester , NY 14618
Phone: 585.475.5291
Fax: 585.475.2510
E-mail: amf8539@rit.edu

J. Hawker
Rochester Institute of Technology
Software Engineering
134 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester , NY 14623
Phone: 585.475.2705
E-mail: hawker@se.rit.edu

Karl Korfmacher
Rochester Institute of Technology
Biological Sciences
85 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester , NY 14623
Phone: (585) 475-5554
E-mail: kfkscl@rit.edu

James Winebrake
Rochester Institute of Technology
Science, Technology, Society, and Public Policy
1356 Eastman
Rochester , NY 14623
Phone: 585-475-4648
E-mail: jjwgpt@rit.edu

Stephen Zilora
Rochester Institute of Technology
Information Technology
Golisano College of Computing and Information Science
Rochester , NY 14623
Phone: 585.475.7643
E-mail: sjz@it.rit.edu

James Corbett
University of Delaware
Marine and Earth Studies
305 Robinson Hall
Newark , DE 19716
Phone: 302.831.0768
E-mail: jcorbett@udel.edu

Sai Ketha
Rochester Institute of Technology
105 Andrews Memorial Drive
Rochester , NY 14623
Phone: 773.852.9430
E-mail: saisanjay@yahoo.com