

NOAA Enterprise GIS IT Architecture
Track: Federal Systems Implementation
Author(s): Jason Marshall, Kimberly Owens

The vision for creating a NOAA enterprise GIS information technology (IT) architecture is to facilitate increased effectiveness and efficiency of NOAA's geospatial activities. This will be accomplished through the application of consistent systems architecture, the enhancement of intra-office communications, and the establishment of policies and processes to support GIS users across NOAA. The NOAA enterprise GIS IT architecture will focus on the strategic implementation of GIS across NOAA to streamline the use of these systems. This effort will identify and recommend consistent business processes and information system practices that will increase the effectiveness of NOAA's GIS data, products, and services, and enable these products and services to be efficiently leveraged across NOAA in pursuit of mission objectives.

Jason Marshall
IM Systems Group
NOAA Coastal Services Center
2234 S. Hobson Ave.
Charleston, SC 29405
Phone: 843-740-1294
E-mail: Jason.Marshall@noaa.gov

Kimberly Owens
NOAA Office of the CIO
1305 East West Hwy. N/MB4 Rm.9352
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: 301-713-1156
E-mail: kimberly.owens@noaa.gov