

Fire Suppression and Emergency Medical Services Response Capabilities Analysis
Track: EMS/Fire
Author(s): Elise Fisher

Analyze fire department apparatus and alarm coverage areas using station locations, apparatus allocation and staffing. The coverage areas, based on either road segment lengths or travel times, are created using Network Analyst to determine which jurisdiction's road segments are covered by the fire department apparatus or alarm configurations. The two components necessary for the service area analysis are the identified road segments covered within a given travel time and the service areas for each station. Manipulation and analysis these travel-time polygons allow the identification of areas covered by apparatus from specific stations within 4 and 8 minutes. The deliverable reports combine data received from the fire department, maps, and references to accepted fire fighting practices and national standards, including NFPA 1710. The studies allow public safety personnel to effectively plan for emergency response, determine mitigation priorities, analyze historical events, predict future events, and provide critical information to emergency responders.

Elise Fisher
1750 New York Ave, NW
Washington , DC 20006
Phone: 202-824-9318
E-mail: efisher@iaff.org