

Water Utility GIS Development and Use in Fulton County, GA
Track: Benefit of GIS
Author(s): Ryan Fernandes, Todd Thies, Kirk Contrucci

The Public Works department in Fulton County, Georgia, is in its fourth year of a five-year initiative intended to create a comprehensive inventory of its water and sewer features. As part of the initiative, Fulton County contracted with Ayres Associates in the spring of 2006 to develop a surface model capable of supporting 2-foot contours from LiDAR (light detecting and ranging), as well as countywide 6-inch resolution color orthophotography. This data has already proven to be highly useful for infrastructure inventory and watershed analysis. The Public Works department's new datasets are also having an immediate effect on how Fulton County engineers make decisions. This paper explores the ways in which County personnel have streamlined business processes by referencing highly accurate and accessible spatial data.

Ryan Fernandes
Fulton County
Public Works
Government Center
141 Pryor Street, S.W.
Atlanta , GA 30303
Phone: (404) 335-2539
E-mail: Ryan.Fernandes@fultoncountyga.gov

Todd Thies
Ayres Associates
1802 Pankratz Street
Madison , WI 53704
Phone: (608) 443-1207
E-mail: tmthies@charter.net

Kirk Contrucci
Ayres Associates
1802 Pankratz Street
Madison , WI 53704
Phone: (608) 443-1213
E-mail: contruccik@ayresassociates.com