

Using GIS for Pedestrian and Bicycle Planning
Track: Transportation
Author(s): Debbie Kingsland, Kirk Weaver

The New Jersey Department of Transportation contracted with Michael Baker Jr., Inc. to perform a digital video inventory along 13,000 miles of county roads across New Jersey. The high-resolution video images obtained were used to determine the spatial and linear location, condition, and attributes of sidewalks, bike paths, and other pedestrian friendly roadway features. The populated geodatabase of these items is currently being used to further bicycle and pedestrian facility planning initiatives on a statewide basis. The data collected is compatible with earlier images and feature data collected along state jurisdiction roadways and is used to populate the Statewide New Jersey Bicycle/Pedestrian GIS. The images collected from the project will be shared with the 21 individual counties in New Jersey for asset management and videolog purposes. The presentation will focus on the challenges of collecting, attributing, storing, and sharing the images and data with the project participants.

Debbie Kingsland
New Jersey Department of Transportation
Office of Bicycle and Pedestrian Programs
1035 Parkway Avenue
Trenton , NJ 08625
Phone: 609-530-3525
E-mail: debbie.kingsland@dot.state.nj.us

Kirk Weaver
Michael Baker Jr., Inc.
301 College Road East
Princeton , NJ 08540
Phone: 609-734-7975
E-mail: kweaver@mbakercorp.com