Finding and Envisioning Sustainable Urban Development Neighborhoods Track: Census and Geodemographics Author(s): Earl Bossard Understanding and identifying neighborhoods with long term sustainable urban development prospects is an important challenge which can be met by effectively organizing and modeling digital geo-demographic and other data using GIS and database management tools such as spreadsheets and the Web. This paper aims to enable analysts to identify neighborhoods meeting, to various degrees (easily pass, just pass, just fail, or clearly fail), threshold levels of desired criteria for neighborhoods being sought. Maps of pass-fail success and indices of weighted counts and z-score criteria varying with factor intensities are used to fine-tune fuzzy criteria and indices, leading to selection of neighborhoods with good prospects to satisfy searches. This presentation focuses on finding and envisioning sustainable urban development neighborhoods in two communities acclaimed for innovative planning: Davis, California, America's "most bicycle friendly city" and the site of the environmentally sensitive Village Homes; and the Orenco Station Portland area new urbanist community. Earl Bossard San Jose State University Urban & Regional Planning 401 Del Oro Ave. Davis , CA 95616-0418 US Phone: 5307581602 E-mail: bossard3@pacbell.net |