![]() GEO-MODSIM Spatial Decision Support System for River Basin Management Track: Water Resources Author(s): Enrique Triana, John Labadie The MODSIM river basin management model has been extended to GEO-MODSIM for integration with GIS for spatial data base management, analysis, and display. GEO-MODSIM is a custom ArcMap extension that provides the foundation for integrated river basin management. Numerous geodatabase layers are loaded and processed in GEO-MODSIM, including topography, political divisions, hydrography, irrigated fields, soil maps, land use, field measurements, and satellite imagery. Spatial-temporal data bases are also loaded such as NEXRAD precipitation data, water rights, gauging station records, diversions, pumping wells, and monitored surface water locations. These base GIS layers are processed to delineate watersheds, generate geometric networks, and create hydro-networks. Formatted data sets are created for executing external spatially distributed network flow optimization models, groundwater models and water quality models directly from the ArcMap interface. GEO-MODSIM is applied to the Lower Arkansas River basin, Colorado for salinity management and the Imperial Irrigation District, California for water conservation analysis. Enrique Triana Colorado State University Civil and Environmental Engineering 1372 Civil Engineering Fort Collins , CO 80523-1372 US Phone: (970)491-7510 Fax: (970)491-7727 E-mail: etriana@engr.colostate.edu John Labadie Colorado State University Civil and Environmental Engineering 1372 Civil Engineering Fort Collins , CO 80523-1372 US Phone: (970)491-6898 Fax: (970)491-7727 E-mail: labadie@engr.colostate.edu |