Creating a GIS-Based Multi-discipline Centerline and LRS Track: Transportation Author(s): Kirstin Platt The City of Newport News, Department of Public Works has historically used several different centerlines to support a pavement management system, a GIS-based routing system, a GIS-based asset management system, GASB-34 reporting, and mapping. These unique layers required extensive editing and were difficult to keep up-to-date given the limited time the small in-house GIS staff could dedicate to this task. In an effort to streamline workflow, the Department decided to proceed with attaining one layer that would provide continued support to the work activities while reducing maintenance. While the various centerlines were redeveloped into a single layer, a linear referencing system (LRS) was also established. The LRS would provide the City with a comprehensive inventory of street and traffic related assets needed for operations and maintenance. This allowed City personnel the ability to assign work orders directly to asset that had not previously been captured in the GIS. Kirstin Platt City of Newport News Department of Public Works 513 Oyster Point Rd Newport News , VA 23602 US Phone: (757)269-2720 Fax: (757)269-2725 E-mail: kplatt@nngov.com |